It starts with a piece of “pillar content.” With my personal brand, it takes the form of a daily vlog, keynote, Q&A show, or another video that I do. You still need those things, but you need them in much smaller doses at any given time, allowing you to go longer without burning out or running out of things to say. You never run out of things to say when answering questions. You shouldn’t need to pay for separate platforms for live chat, knowledge base, chatbots, email marketing, automation and more. We often use 2 main types of strategy: one for selling content strategy into an organisation and one for organisations with a more mature editorial model that just need the strategy itself. I think I can distill his teaching into three key principles that will be useful to almost everyone from bloggers to YouTubers to social media influencers. One of the best things about social media is that it has given us all backstage access into the lives and habits of celebrities and creatives. But, in an effort to provide you guys with as much value as possible, I’m going to help speed up that process and show you how I do it on a daily basis for my personal brand. The 18 to 28 Debate: Is College Worth It? Show a video of a recording session that didn’t go so well. Gary has been using the question and answer approach effectively for a long time with the #AskGaryVee show. Aug 14, 2020 - Mastering content strategy, creation, and distribution for your brand on social media is a difficult and long process. I use one piece of “pillar content” (a documentation or “vlog” of my day, a Q&A show, an … The core function of the job is developing a content strategy based on a company’s or client’s business objectives and a customer’s or end user’s needs. So many of us are stuck doing things in an outdated way and it’s only leading us to unhappiness. The big WHY & the big flaw in content strategy. You can probably grow your raw numbers faster by spamming people with shameless self-promotional comments, but if you want an engaged audience that’s happy to be there, focus on providing real value. Since Gary has been successful on social media for over ten years, I asked him for some advice on how to grow an audience on social media: Obsessively Create Content: “What I’ve … Having a skill, marketing yourself through content and monetizing that skill in the million possible ways. If you are a yoga instructor, maybe you decide that you like “Meditation Mondays” better than the Monday Motivation approach. Flip the camera on when you are doing some of the less glamorous things that you do and talk about your process. Here’s the strategy: it’s me understanding that if I make the investment into core content pillars (like The #AskGaryVee Show and DailyVee), I can then empower my team to consume that content, see what’s going to resonate, and they can create content around it. The Mindset Behind Crafting a Content Strategy in 2019 Content strategy plans for the creation, publication, and governance of useful, usable content. With that in mind, I wrote The Ultimate Daily Checklist: 13 Steps to Winning the Day. You won’t make any sales if potential customers don’t know who you are. For me it helps that I have three main areas that I write about. If I I asked you on the spot to see if you could spend the next minutes telling me something interesting, you’d probably have trouble finding something that seems worth saying. This could take many different forms — for example, if you’re not comfortable on video, you could record a podcast. The ultimate goal of creating this presentation on my content model is to show you how my team took one of my keynotes, repurposed it into 30+ pieces of content, and then successfully distributed all of that content, resulting in over 35,000,000 total views. It looks at all of the content your customers ever encounter. If you haven’t followed him already, you can find him on most of the socials (such as Instagram, Twitter, Medium, etc) as @garyvee, you can find him on Facebook here. You might think that you’ve talked about a subject too much, but if you run a Q&A and half the questions end up being on that subject, you know you were wrong and your audience is thirsty for more. It starts with a piece of “pillar content.” With my personal brand, it takes the form of a daily vlog, keynote, Q&A show, or another video that I do. This was something that Gary shared more recently in advising someone on how to grow on Instagram. Shared below is a powerpoint that my team and I created to help empower and potentially completely shift the way that you think about producing and distributing content online for your brand. Also, this strategy doesn’t just apply on Instagram. Finally someone realized that it was so useful that it was worth selling. — How to write a content marketing strategy step-by-step Long story short, I am constantly creating and posting as much content as possible and in a way that is contextual to each platform. There are four elements of constructing meaningful content and identifying audience. Contacts, leads, marketing emails, automation emails, knowledge base, all tie together really well. Depending on who you are or what you need to do, content strategy can prioritize a few different things: Content strategy defines how you’re going to use content to meet your business (or project) goals and satisfy your users’ needs. Maybe you decide to create three pieces of content a week, one day you do an interview, one day you detail part of your personal story, and another day you publish a “how-to” or an informational post. There are some themed days that already exist on Social media, such as #MondayMotivation and #WednesdayWisdom, but you can create your own. An editorial calendar is like a roadmap for content creation, showing you what kind of content to create, what topics to cover, which personas to target, and how often to publish to best support your inbound marketing strategy. GIST is one of the best all-in-one business solutions for especially SAAS companies, also helping integrated and connected with each module which you were waiting for. I’m a big Gary V fan and he’s a beast. Entrepreneur Investor in Uber, Snap, Venmo, twitter ️ CEO of VaynerMedia ROT hurts content performance. One great way to create a top-down system is by answering questions. Whether you’re a startup or have been pounding the pavement for years, brand awareness is where it all begins. He has an unbeatable system set up that keeps high-quality content flowing and keeps his very large audience coming back for more. Do you even know? An inventory and audit can help. The better your system, the more high-quality content you will be able to generate for your audience. Speaking of running out of things to say, isn’t it funny how in real life you never run out of things to say, but when it comes to content creation you get writer’s block? Find the community or hashtags where you would like to be shared or featured and start commenting. You can read the blog post where Gary talks about this strategy here. Gary Vaynerchuk (@garyvee) on TikTok | 188.4M Likes. I then also have a daily podcast called the GaryVee Audio Experience, which is distributed on my iTunes, Overcast, and Stitcher, amongst some other platforms. Try imagining that you’ve already made it big and now a film crew is following you around, constantly asking you what you are doing and why. Think about how it can be applied to your personal brand, your B2C product, or your B2B marketing strategy. It’s hard to channel enough creativity to consistently come out with things that seem like they are worth saying. The daily vlog is the perfect example of documenting instead of creating, and with the call-in #AskGaryVee Show, he doesn’t need to plan anything: the content is driven by the questions he gets. Every other facet of content strategy starts here. And from that video or audio clip, you can create content for Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and more. Here are the three keys to creating amazing content according to Gary Vaynerchuk: “Bottom-up” creation is asking, “what should I create next?” It’s staring at a blinking cursor for a half hour without ever committing to your next move. It’s way too noisy now to just hope for a good outcome. Gist makes it super easy for my website visitors to chat with my team live and their mobile app is perfect for connecting on the go! The brilliant thing about this system is that it makes his content creation natural and easy. Are your eyes already rolling in the back of your head at the thought of doing a content inventory and audit? “Micro content” is created from each episode and is used to drive awareness back to the original long-form content. Success in this internet world is based on a some 3 step formula. I use one piece of “pillar content” (a documentation or “vlog” of my day, a Q&A show, an interview or a keynote I give) and allow my team to analyze and repurpose it into 30 other pieces of content … If you want to provide a great experience for your users and help your business meet its goals, the answer is a resounding yes. Yesterday’s garbage became today’s profitable product. All his micro-content gets taken from these two pieces of pillar content, so the only time he ever needs to work on content creation from scratch the way most people do is when he is feeling particularly inspired to get something out. Content strategy is the ongoing process of translating business objectives and goals into a plan that uses content as a primary means of achieving those goals. Gary uses the parable of sawdust to point out that once you create a piece of content, there are numerous opportunities to re-purpose it for other mediums and platforms. Thus on each hashtag you are leaving “18 cents” of input and $1.80 total for all ten hashtags (Gary called it both the “18 cent rule” and the “$1.80 rule”). There’s nothing wrong with occasionally engaging in bottom-up content creation, but it’s far too exhausting to maintain for the long haul. Start creating bits and pieces of that documentary yourself and share them with the world. So one solution is to stop saying things and to start showing what you are doing. Get it free here:, Feature Image Source:, The Beginner’s Guide to Marketing Automation, How to Use Live Chat Software for The Entire Buyer Journey, I love that I can manage all of my customer contacts and support channels from a single portal, Love the updated interface and ease of installing on WordPress with the plugin. Here are the three keys to creating amazing content according to Gary Vaynerchuk: 1) Create from the top down, not the bottom up “Bottom-up” creation is asking, “what should I create next?” It’s staring at a blinking cursor for a half hour without ever committing to your next move. Without it, you’re a rudderless ship sailing into the abyss. The integration of all the features is killer. An effective Content Marketing strategy must have four core elements to be successful: brand positioning, owned media value proposition, business case, and strategic plan. Gist replaces 8+ tools for the price of one. To support small businesses through this uncertain time, we're offering UNLIMITED SEATS at just $99/month. T: 070-3470529 E: As is... Read full review. Content Strategy Saturnusstraat 60 unit 26 2516 AH Den Haag. And from that video or audio clip, you can create content for Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and more. Subscribe for access to exclusive content. Instead of asking what the most amazing piece of content you can create is (a question that usually leads to stalling), you ask yourself a far easier question: “what piece of content can I create around my theme?”. There are the trolls and the self-promoters taking up a good amount of space, but even among the more genuine comments, most are very brief and shallow. There are lots of two word comments like “great pic” and “love this.” It’s not hard to quickly become the most valued commenter in most communities. One reason for this is that with so much noise on the web, the way to really get people’s attention is not to spam them to death but to provide them with high-quality, useful content to engage with.

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