Carden tells the sisters of the abbey that their mistake was showing mercy Meanwhile, Nimue takes rest at the edge of a lake. He tells her that Uther has longed for his blood and offers himself as a sacrifice. La puntata si apre con Nimue e Artù che, dopo aver trascorso una notte di passione, vengono bruscamente richiamati in azione a causa … Nimue and Arthur are together in Cursed season 1, but, with the introduction of Lancelot, viewers could be treated to a love triangle in season 2. - in The Fey Queen, CURSED (Katherine Langford) Trailer Netflix, Katherine Langford song "I Could Be Your King" (Lyric Video) Cursed Netflix, Nimue's Inspirational Speech ft. Katherine Langford Cursed Netflix India. They automatically emerge when Nimue is threatened or lashes out angrily. He asks what the Widow is and she lifts her hood to reveal... Morgana. If that’s the case, a love triangle could easily form between the three. He asks what her answer is. In più, la loro intesa sentimentale si sviluppa in modo più veloce. Then a guard shouts for her. In response, Nimue tells Borley of Cumber's offer. Editore: Mondadori. La prima stagione di Cursed (qui la nostra recensione) si è conclusa con un finale che propone un cliffhanger con più di un riferimento alle leggende riguardanti Artù. Katherine Langford Breaks Down the Red Lake Scene from Cursed Shot by Shot Netflix. In Cursed, incontriamo Nimue come una giovane donna che fa parte del "fey" - una popolazione di minoranze magiche pagane. Later on with the instruction of Merlin, Nimue was able to manifest her powers through envisioning her intention. She then slips into Gramaire, where she son finds Arthur, who declares "Thank the gods you're safe!" Despite her reservations, she agrees to send Nimue's message. Before they can found, Igraine takes Nimue to an underground passage with a stream. The group descends on upon the city and in a daring coup occupies the ramparts while the paladins are distracted by Nimue. She then flees into a cave, where she discovers that her mother Lenore is badly wounded and dying. She tells him that she made it clear when they took the city that no humankind were to be harmed. Cora invites Nimue to join a ceremony called "the Joining." Nimue meets with Merlin, who asks if he cannot sway her from what she is planning to do. He tells her that he must ride to Rue Gorge to secure the ships. Nimue tells her to come with her and guides her to a secret tunnel. As she struggles to stand, he worries that the Sword of Power is making her sick. As the leader of the Red Paladins, Carden fears her and what she represents. La storia raccontata in questa serie è una rivisitazione del mito arturiano, non una semplice … She tells him she hears them in the sword, their screams, and what frightens her is she doesn't mind them. She has been covering various international concerts since 2012. La storia di Cursed vuole essere una reinterpretazione del ciclo bretone e quindi ecco che, per forza di cose, devono fare capolino personaggi iconici e ben sedimentati nell’immaginario collettivo. Recalling having fought a bear in her past when her mother told her to "call out to the Hidden," Nimue does the same to fend off an attacking Red Paladin, binding him with vines. The two manage to save the paladin, but Father Carden becomes suspicious that Nimue is hiding among the ranks and orders an assembly of all the sisters. Il decimo e ultimo episodio di Cursed riesce a catturare lo spettatore ritrovando un buon ritmo dopo alcuni episodi piuttosto piatti e poco coinvolgenti. WARNING: Contains spoilers from Cursed season 1. Lenore † (mother)Merlin (biological father)Jonah (step-father) Nimue, pronounced "Nim-Way,"[2] is described as a "teenage heroine with a mysterious gift who is destined to become the powerful (and tragic) Lady of the Lake.". Contents. Wroth is threatening to kill any Fey that agree to the Pendragon offer. Iris flees, and Merlin grabs the Sword of Power and uses it to slay several members of an approaching party of Red Paladins, before conjuring a powerful lightning storm to kill even more. She is mostly interested in writing about teen dramas, some US and British series, and genres related to comedy, fantasy, action, drama, and thriller. As they work together, their bond could grow into something beyond companionship. The man pulls out her tooth as part of the act and they continue into town. Perhaps Nimue's powers also stem from the attack by the Dark God in bear form. They give her warnings and advice. Arthur shouts at her for her rash actions, but the two then seem to make up. Arthur says that he'll go see Wroth, but Nimue tells him that this is her fault and she should go. Nimue tells him that he's mad and that she forbids it, but he says he's the only member of the court who stands a chaance of getting a meeting with him and divining his intentions. Arthur returns, telling her that the scouts aren't back and they need to make sure that they don't miss their window with the ships. Una serie TV di alto livello qualitativo, violenta ma con uno script davvero … He suggests they be done with each other, saying he's sorry, but she tells him he will be sorry if he keeps walking away. Aliases She tells him that he will never see the Sword of Power if her people are not returned. Autore: Frank Miller & Thomas Wheeler . The group, however, is then confronted by Iris, who shoots two arrows into Nimue, one into her shoulder and one into her chest. Tra i diversi nomi … She arrives at a village and steals a cloak, trying to blend in. He starts to leave, but then approaches, asking her if she would surrender herself and her sword if Uther offered protection for the Fey. Cursed 2 stagione si fa? Because magic runs through us.' Il 17 luglio ha debuttato su Netflix la prima stagione di Cursed, serie TV tratta dall’omonimo best seller del New York Times firmato da Tom Wheeler e Frank Miller.Si tratta di una rivisitazione della leggenda arturiana vista con gli occhi di Nimue, una ragazza con un dono misterioso, destinata a diventare la potente e tragica Dama … She rests at a river, sobbing over everything she has to deal with so far. He tells her that he can help to awaken more of her magical power, saying she could be a formidable sorceress if she gets over her fear of her power. She tells Gawain to form a search party, which Squirrel joins as well. She calls it their light in the darkness and hope in despair. She trades words with Father Carden, telling him things won't be so easy for him. They come to find themselves at the edge of a vast cliff. She tells him that Uther wants the sword, he must prove himself a king to men and Fey alike and then tells him to go. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. It's Morgana, and the abbey where she lived, Yvoire Abbey, was burned to the ground by the Red Paladins, with no survivors. He tells her that he has bargained for her life with Cumber the Ice King. 'They took everything from us. 6.3. She is footsteps and is wary, but it turns out her company is friendly. Overwhelmed by the superior skill of Faun archers, the paladins are forced to flee the city. She replies that she doesn't want anyone to be hurt becuase of her, but he tells her she's made them all brave. Cursed, pubblicato da Mondadori, narra la nascita della dama del lago, una signora elegante e saggia... La nostra Nimue, invece, è solo una ragazzina. They take him and flee the camp, despite his protestations that he should be left to die. She runs off, telling Arthur to leave her alone, but he tells her that they both have paladin blood on their hands. She then holds a council, where she learns that a convoy of refugees has gone missing. She told him it was the source of his poison and she had to remove it, but he told her she must not. It can be channeled through the eyes or hands. She also bargains for his and Gawain's life by offering to trade the sword for them. Throughout season 1, we’ve seen the pair's immediate attraction to each other which eventually evolved into a romantic relationship. Arthur (boyfriend)Pym (best friend)Squirrel (friend)Gawain (friend)Morgana (friend)Kaze (friend) In the evening, Arthur teaches her swordplay. They seem to have had a slightly difficult relationship, as Nimue felt that her mother would never understand her issues. Nimue recovers, and awakes to the sight of Pym, whom she is thrilled to learn survived the attack on their village. She told him that she would never return it to him or any other man and that she had destroyed it. Related: Cursed: The Biggest Unanswered Questions After Season 1's Ending. He asks if she's alright and she tells him that it was different to what she thought. She asks him what will happen to the Fey, but he offers no promises. Although Nimue wants to slip out to look for Arthur, she is forced to pose as one of the abbey sisters and attend to a dying paladin, the same one who she attacked with vines before. Proposta dal palinsesto di Netflix si tratta di una rivisitazione del ciclo arturiano in chiave femminile, avventurosa e ancora più fantastica. Lenore was Nimue's mother and the High Priestess of the Sky People village. Nimue is captured and brought before their leader, Father Carden, but manages to escape when the paladin holding her is shot down by an arrow. Nimue awakes in the convent and is surprised to see a girl, Sister Iris, standing before her. Secondo la leggenda, chiunque la impugni è destinato a governare il regno della Britannia post romana, allora … It then turns out the Green Knight is Gawain, a very old friend of Nimue's her family knew when she was still just a little girl. There is then a commotion in the camp, as the Green Knight has arrived. Yeva arrives, telling Nimue that "the traitor" has given his answer. Despite this, a man named Sigurd thanks Nimue for giving them their freedom, telling her she's earned the thanks of the Red Spear. The two sit together, and Nimue is taken back into the past, where she witnesses the history of her mother Lenore and Merlin. He designates her "the wolf-blood witch" following her slaughter of a number of wolves using the Sword of Power. She raised Lancelot and helped him become known as the most powerful knight in the kingdom. Cursed 1×01 Nimue. Nimue finally settles it by choosing Kaze as her escort. Enraged beyond words, she hears the whispers of the Hidden and unleashes a blast of extreme magical energy, sending tremors throughout the camp, lighting fires and knocking soldiers down throughout before collapsing from exhaustion. She visits a village and meets an enchanting man named Arthur, a mercenary, but also reveals her powers to the Red Paladins, who are hunting people of her kind. Cursed racconta una versione della leggenda di Re Artù davvero inedita, incentrata sul viaggio di Nimue (Katherine Langford) con la spada Excalibur ben prima che Artù diventasse re. Fearing Uther's decision, Father Carden decides to break away from him. The two kiss passionately, and then retire to a bedroom, where they have sex. She calls his name several times, then realizing he is irrevocably dead, she breaks down sobbing. Nimue and Morgana travel through Brother's Blood, which Morgana describes as a Roman battleground cursed by the Cailleach. She is brought before Father Carden, who orders them to hold her. Clothilde thinks Nimue very brave to head towards danger instead of away from it. There, Nimue tells the two that while she plans to hand Merlin the sword, the decision is not set in stone and he must promise that the Fey will be protected. They continue together with a lone girl from the caravan who managed to escape and following signs in the woods reach a secret Fey hideaway. He asks her why she does not have the sword, asking if she thinks she's clever. When she is pursued by some sell-swords for cheating at a bet with magic, he helps her escape them. Lavora con i Paladini Rossi e caccia i Fey. Nimue talks with Gawain, again reinforcing that she will deliver the sword to Merlin, despite Gawain's objections. Last Appearance Cursed racconta la storia della giovane e oscura Nimue, fanciulla del Popolo Fatato destinata un giorno a diventare la famosa Dama del Lago. He tells her that their fates are intertwined and they must work together. With Arthur, Morgana and Pym, Nimue takes an audience with Merlin, revealing him to be her father. She did so anyway and pulled from out of his chest a blazing blade, the Sword of Power. She then is left alone with Arthur and she comments that they are alone at last. Ad esempio, la scena nella vasca da bagno prende una brutta piega quando Artù le … There, Nimue recalls Merlin's words, but Kaze tells her to not worry about her nature, that the Devil's Tooth chose her for a reason. She replies that she has her life, but her sword comes at a cost. Cursed, un romanzo che si propone di rivisitare uno degli episodi più celebri del ciclo arturiano: il mito di Nimue.Tratto dall’opera di Wheeler e Miller! But that dynamic is now impossible as Lancelot was raised by the Red Paladins. "The Fey Queen!" Cursed will not follow King Arthur legend closely in terms of their relationship as in Arthurian lore, the Lady of the Lake was Lancelot's adoptive mother. That could mark a turning point for The Weeping Monk (real name Lancelot) who could head towards a romance with Nimue. She wishes to flee her village, but her mother Lenore tells her to never be ashamed of who she is. Fey (Sky Folk) The conversation does not get off to a good foot, with Nimue noting that everyone told her not to come and saying that she's managed a lifetime without his protection. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. Cursed: le principali differenze tra il libro e la serie TV Netflix. There is shouting and, outside, they discover a man burnt to death by Wroth. Oggi vi parlerò di Cursed, un romanzo fantasy, young adult, illustrato da Frank Miller (tra le sue opere ricordiamo Daredevil) e scritto da Thomas Wheeler ( produttore e sceneggiatore ) e edito da Mondadori.. La nostra protagonista, Nimue, del popolo dei Fey, è cresciuta come un’emarginata.Il suo legame … He raises his own sword to finish her off, but then in a puff of smoke, the Widow appears before Nimue and hands her the Sword of Power. They took everything but the Sword of Power. You may be looking for the episode "Nimue. In the town, she finds Arthur, and tells him of all that happened. Nimue è anche la protagonista della serie televisiva Netflix Cursed: Nimue è una ragazza dotata di forti poteri di origine fatata, nel corso della storia incontrerà Merlino e Artù ed entrerà in possesso della spada Excalibur, fino a diventare la Dama del Lago che darà ad Artù la sua spada magica. Enemies Morgana decides to go retrieve it, telling Nimue that everything will be alright. di @alesnalimuse. In the distance, a large contingent of Red Paladins approaches. She tells him she wishes she wasn't his daughter. SOCIAL MEDIA In the second season of Cursed, Nimue and Lancelot should end up together. She uses magic to cover Gawain's body in plants, as she struggles against the paladins. She tries to help a friend of Pym's named Dof, but is still weak and can only watch as he passes away. At Morgana's behest, Nimue visits a woman named Yeva whom she says is their best chance of finding Merlin. Nimue then tells both Morgana and Kaze that they are not going home yet, having seen a vision of Arthur and Gawain in danger. 13 Reasons Why star Katherine Langford's Nimue and Arthur became romantically involved in Cursed season 1, but with the introduction of the Weeping Monk as Lancelot, Nimue could have a different love interest in season 2.If the … Nimue then ascends to a perch and everyone quickly takes notice. With Katherine Langford, Devon Terrell, Gustaf Skarsgård, Daniel Sharman. She is the daughter of the Priestess Lenore, who before dying gives her the task of delivering the Sword of Power to the wizard Merlin, her father. Come spesso accade, e in Cursed lo si nota con più chiarezza, sono i personaggi secondari, quelli che lasciano maggiormente il segno, a cominciare dal Cavaliere Verde, capitano della resistenza Fey fino all’arrivo di Nimue, e da Scoiattolo, piccolo, ma coraggioso aiutante dei due leader del popolo fatato. The meeting takes place in the ruins of an old castle where, seeing Nimue, Merlin tells her that it's like looking at Lenore herself. - in The Fey Queen, 'The legend says this sword belongs to the one true king. Sempre Nimue incanta Merlino e lo rinchiude in una grotta, ed è ancora lei a crescere Lancillotto alla morte del padre. Igraine warns her that the paladins will kill them if he dies. They become friends after Nimue sees Morgana kissing Celia and doesn't make a big deal of it. He tells her that any fool can die, but it takes imagination to live, begging her to reconsider Cumber the Ice King's offer. Limited Telekinesis: Telekinesis is the ability to move objects as well as individuals with the mind. But what if the sword chooses a queen?' Venite con noi per scoprirne di più! In the original Arthurian myth, Lancelot is the first knight in King Arthur’s Round Table and one of his most trusted subjects, along with Percival (Squirrel in Cursed). Personaggi come Artù e Uther Pendragon, Lancillotto, Morgana, Merlino e la stessa Nimue. "Not you. That evening, Arthur considers the sword, telling her that it could give her power, and it would be a pity for her to give it to a stranger. Biographical information Vision's Unresolved MCU Tragedy Makes WandaVision's Inevitable End Worse, Cursed Season 2: Why Nimue And Lancelot Should Get Together, redemption arc to rival that of Kylo Ren in the, Cursed: The Biggest Unanswered Questions After Season 1's Ending, Cursed Theory: How Arthur Could Become King In The Show, Space Force: Why General Naird’s Wife Is In Prison, Bridgerton Season 2 Follows Anthony, Not Daphne, Confirmed, DC's Titans Season 3 Casts Former-Batgirl Barbara Gordon, Young Sheldon Explains Big Bang Theory Finale Plot Hole, WandaVision Theory: Magneto Saves Scarlet Witch, Not SWORD, Clone Wars Revealed Why Anakin Fully Became Vader After Mustafar, Batwoman's Hush Story Just Wasted Batman's Best Unused Movie Villain, WandaVision Episode 3's Credits Song Is A Big Clue To What's Going On, Batman: The Animated Series Reboot Is Happening According To Kevin Smith, WandaVision's Twins Explained: Billy & Tommy's Powers & Comic Origin, The Expanse: Why Drummer Drinks The Whiskey (& How It Sets Up Her Ending), WandaVision's Sitcom Parodies Get More Cynical In Later Episodes, WandaVision Is Boring? Also, in the original myth, Lancelot was in a secret relationship with King Arthur’s wife, Guinevere and the discovery of their affair actually led to the downfall of the kingdom. Time passes and Nimue witnesses more of Lenore and Merlin's life together. Ultima serie TV in ordine di tempo che ha conquistato il pubblico e che ha per protagonista una nuova e ulteriore evoluzione di Nimue è Cursed. Portrayal Cursed è la storia di Nimue (Katherine Langford, Hannah Baker di Tredici), una giovane ragazza Fey – mistico popolo pagano, dotato di poteri sovrannaturali legati alla natura – che si trova a custodire una spada magica, agognata da tutti: la Spada del Potere. Her mother, friends and her home. She tells her that fleeing isn't a strategy and they must stand and fight. He warns her that if she continues to wield the Sword of Power, her depedency on it will grow. She returns with her friend, Pym, to her village, where they discover that a full-on attack by the Red Paladins is in progress. Nimue takes a report from a man who tells her that it's only a few days until they starve, as there are just too many mouths to feed. In an interview, actress Katherine Langford stated that the character for her represented courage and that her character doesn't seek power, but is given it because she is natural leader with pure intentions. Back on her throne, Nimue gives an audience to a man named Borley, who comes with terms from King Uther Pendragon for her surrender. She claims it, then finds two Red Paladins bathing in a lake and kills them. Later, she walks with Morgana, who tells her that having taken Gramaire, they should proceed to Hawksbridge. The group then rescues Arthur, Gawain and their party from a fiery siege at a windmill. Nimue awakes at the Fey Camp, where Arthur tells her that she's relieved she woke up, as they don't like him there, being "Man Blood." Nimue is left drained from her use of magic and the Sword of Power. She tells her that her father was right to fear her blood, hinting at her true heritage. She is quickly faced with another problem, however, that Red Paladin forces are on the move and will quickly smoke them out. He tells her to create an intention and then surrender it to the Hidden. Nimue tries to go out, but Igraine stops her. Nimue used this to move the loaded dice to land so she would win against Bors. Nimue e altri membri della sua tribù sono in grado di passare come umani - ma altre tribù fey hanno ali, o squame, o persino zanne o corna, rendendo molto più difficile la fusione con la popolazione umana. She is sensitive about these scars because they mark her as a freak and the other Fey in her village ostracize her for them. Il Monaco Piangente, conosciuto anche come Lancillotto, serve come antagonista secondario durante la serie. 3.1 Nimue; 3.2 Cursed; 3.3 Alone; … Thus Nimue could be so powerful due to both genetics and the injury left by the Bear Demon. She asks why it has to be her, sobbing. He tells her she has his word he will do everything he can to protect the Fey, but when Pendragon forces arrive, she decides he has betrayed her. - in the prologue of Nimue (episode), 'Some people call this the Sword of the First Knights, I yield it, The Sword of the First Queen.' Nimue, however, gives serious consideration to the idea, as she had promised that she would protect her people. She enjoys a reunion with Morgana, who tells her that she's not alone and that she's reached Nemos. Scorned as a witch, a young woman with powers leaves her village to start a new life - just as a ruthless army scours the countryside for her kind. 13 Reasons Why star Katherine Langford's Nimue and Arthur became romantically involved in Cursed season 1, but with the introduction of the Weeping Monk as Lancelot, Nimue could have a different love interest in season 2. She forces him to travel with her to track the paladins. In Cursed è il leader del popolo dei Fey (ovvero il popolo fatato delle favole irlandesi e non solo) e ha un legame speciale con Nimue, che rende Artù geloso. Nimue suggests certain remedies, which Igraine recognizes as being Fey remedies, but when Nimue asks how she has knowledge of this, she replies only that they could burn for using them. That evening, Nimue is sitting alone on her throne when Arthur pays her a visit. She asks if he's really searching, or just running away. He is determined to see her killed at any cost, even if it means he personally cannot possess the Sword of Power. Netflix’s Cursed and the Lady of the Lake explained, Katherine Langford's Character in Netflix's Cursed Couldn't Be Further From Hannah Baker, Morgana immediately replies that there will be no surrender, but Nimue asks him to speak. Instagram: She is a Fey with the power to control plant life around her. “Cursed”, una grande riscrittura illustrata della saga di Re Artù Lancillotto, Artù, Merlino, Morgana; Uther Pendragon, Gawain, Ginevra. Twitter:, All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. but when nobody responds, she goes to investigate. Festa and Moreii, however, can allow her to see the past with her own eyes. He tells her that he doesn't know anymore, but he's going to ride away through the night. Leggi più tardi; Chi scrive è da sempre appassionato delle storie, dei personaggi e delle leggende del cosiddetto ciclo arturiano; del resto, le vicende di Artù, Merlino, la spada Excalibur, Lancillotto e i Cavalieri della Tavola Rotonda hanno plasmato l’immaginario del Medioevo europeo per secoli e sono ormai una componente ben radicata della cultura … WARNING: Contains spoilers from Cursed season 1.. Titolo: Cursed. Pagine: 384 pp. Nimue has the Tusk who led the charge in the affair, Bu'luf, brought before her. Though Gawain is extremely protective of Nimue. She asks if he thinks that the Red Paladins have ghosts and their spirits live on. Nimue asks if she still wants to fight for the Fey and she agrees that she does. She insists she tell him the truth about his past with her mother, but he tells her that words are insufficient. La storia di Cursed rielabora la leggenda di Re Artù e nello show vediamo tutti i personaggi caratteristici del ciclo bretone come Merlino, Morgana, Percival e Lancillotto. Unknowingly, she is being stalked by Iris, but Iris's secretive attempt to approach her from behind and kill her is thwarted by the arrival of a man named Sir Steuben, who presents her with a message "Pendragon ships are here. Facebook: Eye color There, Nimue learns that a bounty has been placed on her. Nimue receives disturbing news from Arthur: that a Tusk and his friends beat a miller to death for having a painted red cross on his door. The terms essentially amount to unconditional surrender and Nimue being tried for crimes, as well as relinqusihing the Sword of Power and being imprisoned for life. Her mother Lenore says that none of the Sky Folk have ever been as powerful as her. Arthur tells her that if she gives the sword to Cumber, she becomes his bargaining chip. If the Netflix show follows the cues of the original myth it's based on, that could be the big story of Cursed season 2. Morgana tells her that she fears the scraps of power the Hidden are throwing to her and should be feasting on them. “C’è una storia perduta tra le nebbie del tempo, riguardante la Spada del Potere e la … Lancelot and Nimue also have a lot of things in common that should draw them together more in Cursed season 2. Insieme col sovrano, intorno alla tavola rotonda, cioè su un piede di parità, sedevano vari cavalieri tra cui Lancillotto, Ivano, Galvano e Perceval.

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