Non ho mai osato dare tanto di me a nessuno, prima d'ora. With a Heat Vision rune, they were able to trace the demon signature back to a mundane, and Alec immediately realized that the mundane had been possessed by a demon. Despite this, he is loyal to his friends and is fiercely protective of them, going along with his friends' missions to keep them safe even though he disapproves. He trained with another Shadowhunter, Preston, but kept losing at kendo training despite his perfect form. Lui ti amava e questo amore lo stava uccidendo.“, „Che senso ha sprecare un bellissimo muro quando hai qualcuno da sbatterci contro? Shadowhunters – The Mortal Instruments, le frasi più belle dei Parabatai Jace Herondale e Alec Lightwood. Alec therefore proposed to Lydia, and she accepted. Lui non ti aveva mai usato. E mi sono reso conto di essere io quello debole. Alec didn’t care who Magnus’ father was stating that it didn’t change who Magnus was. […] Una volta pensavo che essere un buon guerriero significasse non voler bene a niente e a nessuno. The group went back to the Institute in preparation to wake Clary's mother. Ed è ancora così. Cassandra Clare, Shadowhunters – Città del fuoco celeste, traduzione di Raffaella Belletti e Manuela Carozzi, Mondadori. Increasingly bothered, Alec insisted that she take him to Iris's office, but the two were gone when they came. He tried to get Isabelle to leave with him, however, she refused, and claimed he had not noticed anything was wrong with her in the first place.[21]. L'angelo Raziel. Ieri Cassie ha pubblicato uno snippet (e una piccola frasetta extra) da RSoM, per festeggiare San Valentino… e logicamente si tratta di un estratto molto, molto dolce, che ha Magnus e Alec per […] Continua → They fought alongside and looked after each other in spite of the state of their relationship. When they found that the cache had no bow and arrows, Alec returned to the Institute to get his and was contacted by Izzy, who sent him the location of the entrance into the hotel. When Maryse insisted that Alec forget about Jace, he accused her of only wanting to protect herself and her deteriorating reputation by giving up on Jace so easily. Once Max was safe, Izzy nudged Alec to go speak to Magnus. Cassandra Clare, nome d'arte di Judith Rumelt , è una scrittrice statunitense, autrice di romanzi fantasy, nota per i libri che raccontano le avventure degli Shadowhunters, cacciatori di demoni. Alive Shadowhunters, Città di ossaVariante: Il bambino non pianse mai più e non si scordò mai ciò che aveva imparato: che amare significa distruggere ed essere amati significa essere distrutti. Meanwhile, Jocelyn tracked Jace and was prepared to kill him before Clary intervened and stopped her. After Izzy located the rift, they immediately went and moved to seal the rift. When a rift to Edom was opened in New York, releasing a horde of flying demons, Isabelle convinced Alec to ask Magnus for help, recognizing that they needed the help of the most powerful warlock in the city, even though Alec was reluctant as Magnus had made it clear that he no longer wanted anything to do with him. Dark brown Clary si abbandonò ai baci, al loro linguaggio, al discorso senza parole in corso tra loro.“, „[…] essere diversi non è una passeggiata. He briefly worried that Magnus would find it weird until Magnus reassured him. Alec is the eldest child of Maryse and Robert Lightwood. [11], After Maryse returned from Idris to tell Isabelle and Alec that the unsanctioned missions at the Institute had shamed the Lightwood name, Alec felt that it was partly his fault for allowing Jace to pursue Clary, knowing it would break several rules. After the halted ceremony, the Mortal Cup was stolen by Hodge. With everything that went down after his cancelled wedding, he and Magnus never had the immediate opportunity to have their planned first date. 11 talking about this. Alec felt nervous about moving forward with their relationship and asked Isabelle for advice on how to know when the right time to have sex for the first time is. Alec. Alec shrugged. Just as Alec was waking, Aldertree and the other Shadowhunters arrived to arrest Jace, leaving a barely recovered Alec confused and upset.[4]. Un parabatai è una coppia di Nephilim guerrieri che combattono insieme come partner per tutta la vita, legati insieme da giuramento, indipendentemente dal loro sesso. Jace, invece, sembrava il tipo di ragazzo che viene a casa tua e le dà fuoco. Alexander "Alec" Lightwood-Bane is the brother of Isabelle and Max Lightwood, the parabatai of Jace Herondale, and the husband of the High Warlock of Alicante, Magnus Bane. [2], When they were around eleven years old, Jace Wayland arrived at the Institute and was taken in by his parents after the death of the boy's father. If I were missing-" "He'd burn the … TRAMA. Jace, invece, sembrava il tipo di ragazzo che viene a casa tua e le dà fuoco.“. Lorenzo introduced himself firmly establishing his new position in a way that irritated Magnus. Alec ricordò di essersi svegliato dal delirio e dall'agonia ritrovandosi a fissare gli strani occhi luminosi di Magnus, le sue mani attente e delicate. —  Cassandra Clare, libro Clockwork Princess, Se questo non è l'inferno, dimmi, ti prego, che cos'è?Shadowhunters, Città di cenere. TRAMA. Their next attempt to help Clary regain her memory involved reaching out to the High Warlock of Brooklyn, Magnus Bane. Un racconto di iniziazione giovanile in … 16- Stai attento, la runa per guarire un cuore spezzato è la più dolorosa di tutte. Le frasi più belle di Shadowhunters ... Alec si sentì mancare la terra sotto i piedi e si girò per attutire l'impatto della caduta con le mani. The eldest curses TRADUTTORE: Sara Puggioni EDITORE: Mondadori GENERE: Young adult. —  Cassandra Clare, libro Shadowhunters - Città di vetro, Jem CarstairsShadowhunters – Le origini, La principessa, —  Cassandra Clare, libro Clockwork Prince. Alec returned to the Institute, and he and Isabelle insisted on going out to find him, but they were blocked by Aldertree and the guards because of their closeness to Jace and the situation. Alec went to Magnus to get away from the Institute for a while. The demon-possessed Shadowhunters, and eventually possessed Alec, who still held ill feelings toward Jocelyn for her attempt on Jace's life. Jace. Alec, after running the Institute with Lydia, knew that a marriage between the Lightwood and Branwell names would not only restore faith in his family in the eyes of the Clave—and therefore provide Isabelle and Max with a safer future—but it would also allow them both to run the Institute together. madeinsicilyworld99. Lydia Branwell (ex-fiancée) Alec and Isabelle were held by one of Valentine's men as Jace was given an ultimatum from Valentine: fight and watch his friends die, or join him and his friends live. Ti amo ancora“, „Baciami — implorò, e lui lo fece, ardenti baci lenti e languidi che accelerarono insieme al battito del suo cuore, mentre i movimenti dei loro corpi uno contro l’altro si facevano sempre più veloci. Mi dicevo che in realtà lo facevo, che tu volevi che lo facessi, e così ci ho provato, ma era inutile. Isabelle eventually struck a deal with Aldertree, that should he allow them to try to save Alec, she would deliver Jace to him. After Alec heard that Max got in trouble with their father, Alec pushed to know what it was that Robert knew. He learned that the Clave had lied and did not have the Soul-Sword. #cassandra clare #shadowhunters #frasi shadowhunters #citazioni shadowhunters #città degli angeli caduti #the mortal instruments #amare #cuore #cuore infranto #vetro #schegge. Back at the Institute, Alec felt immense pain out of nowhere and realized that he was in pain because of his bond with Jace—that something bad was happening to him, confirmed when they saw that his parabatai rune had faded, indicating that Jace was dead. Right before they began, Alec felt Jace, whose return to land made it possible for Alec to feel his presence again. – Se questo non è l'inferno, dimmi, ti prego, che cos'è?“, „Non credere mai che il cattivo sia morto prima di averne visto il corpo. During the party, a spell was cast on Alec, Clary, and Jace that played with their fears and insecurities. Age: Se tu mi vuoi.“ — Cassandra Clare, Shadowhunters. 10 persone ne parlano. Jace called him because Magnus needed him to save Luke. Le saghe principali sono cinque: The Mortal Instruments, The Infernal Devices, The Dark Artifices, The Last Hours, per il momento incompleta, e The Wicked Power, ancora inedita. Alec tried to explain that he did not want Magnus to be in this difficult position of having to lie to his people and that he was trying to avoid an uprising, but Magnus was hurt that Alec had lied, angry at the Clave's unchanging ways, and scared for the safety of his people. The Mortal Instrument: Shadowhunters - Città di cenere è un romanzo fantasy di Cassandra Clare, pubblicato il 25 marzo 2008 negli Stati Uniti e il 9 settembre 2008 in italiano. InquisitorHead of the New York Institute (former) Though struggling with deciding between following the rules and preventing any more dishonor from befalling their family, and doing what would be right, Alec eventually decided to go to Magnus's loft, where he lent Magnus his strength to be able to finish healing Luke. Later on, Alec went to the hospital with Izzy and Jace to speak with Catarina in the hopes that she would be able to shed some light on the most recent case of demon possession by Lilith which affected a nurse called Tim Dempsey. Camille teased them about Alec's mortality in an evident attempt to drive a wedge between them. E c'è una bellezza che solo la brevità procura.“, „Ora guardo i miei fratelli che spalancano le porte dei loro cuori e penso: Ma siete pazzi? He was also worried about Isabelle, and went to Aldertree, confronting him about how she hadn't been acting the same since the mission to the Iron Sisters. By the time they got to the shores of the lake, Valentine was dead and Jace was fine. 21-lug-2019 - Esplora la bacheca "Shadowhunters/ Malec" di Chiara Cultrona su Pinterest. "-Città di ossa, Clary, Isabelle e Alec "Jace allungò una mano per sorreggerla proprio mentre lei si voltava per scusarsi e in qualche modo Clary si ritrovò nel cerchio delle sue braccia, e lui la baciò. [20], After Magnus sent Iris to the Clave, and Jace and Clary revealed what Valentine's plan with the Soul-Sword was, Alec showed signs of worrying for Magnus and the other Downworlders that lived in New York, taking responsibility for their safety. While there, Catarina asked how Magnus was doing and said that he had been upset during their phone call because his position as High Warlock meant everything to him. Poche briciole ai Lightwood, a Isabelle e ad Alec, e mi ci sono voluti anni… Ma, Clary, dalla prima volta che ti ho vista, io ti sono appartenuto completamente. For Alec and Magnus's next dates, the couple Portaled to other countries, including Japan, where they went to Japan and the Czech Republic, where they went to Prague. When he returned to the Institute, the wards had been breached. When Luke called their attention for a case of a demon attack they got a call for at the NYPD, Alec was paired with Clary to investigate the immediate area. 15- Centinaia di Shadowhunters erano soliti cercare asilo qui, ma come puoi vedere, ora siamo gli unici. After meeting Magnus, Alec has chosen what would make him happy and is now proudly dating a man, and he has since grown more comfortable with himself. Letteralmente. 25 notes. Alec expressed doubt about their relationship, wondering if they were too different to make it work. He demanded that they contact the Clave for help in rescuing the kidnapped Simon Lewis—Clary's mundane friend—but was easily swayed when Jace insisted that they could take care of it on their own, though Alec was still skeptical. Significant other(s): After Valentine escaped while Alec was in charge of the Institute and Jace and Clary failed to catch him, the Clave sent an envoy to keep watch. Biographical Information Magnus agreed, making it clear that it wasn't for them but the greater good. The team was successful, and Jace made it to Alec just before Alec completely faded away. After it was discovered that Jace is a Herondale, the Inquisitor appointed him Head of the Institute. This made him a deeply conflicted individual, torn between being himself and not bringing shame to his family. Begrudgingly accepting that this is how Magnus feels, Alec told him that he was offered a position on the council but that the position resides in Idris. Alec pointedly did not respond to any of them, as not only was he still conflicted over his feelings, particularly over Jace, but he was also not used to the attention and was still convinced that he should remain in the closet. Eventually, after waking up for the fourth time in a row to an empty bed, Alec insisted to Magnus that whatever it was that was bothering him, Alec was there for him and that he loved him. Jace left with Valentine through a Portal, and when Clary rushed after him in hopes of stopping Jace, Alec grabbed her before she could risk killing herself by stepping through a Portal with no idea of its destination. In the alley outside, Alec told Magnus about how their fight affected him and that he didn't think he could not live without him, to which Magnus replied that he didn't have to choose between Alec and the Downworld like he thought he did. Jace: “Mi stavo innamorando… può darsi che sia malato, non lo so…”.Alec: “No, no… non sei malato… Alec is gay but was in denial and reluctant to admit this to himself for years due to the pressure on him. Pagina Italiana Dedicata a Shadowhunters! Alec was quick to get back on his feet after Jace's capture. Max era al suo fianco. After getting the draft of the Writ of Transmutation, Camille led the group to her apartment for the book. [3], An experience from when he was ten years old stuck with him through adulthood. After the girl's mother was kidnapped, Jace rescued her and took her back to the Institute—another decision Alec highly disapproved of. Shadowhunters. Despite his best efforts, Magnus was, to Alec's dismay, unable to help Max. Furthermore, his feelings for his parabatai and adoptive brother, Jace, gave him another reason to stay in the closet, as romantic relationships between parabatai are forbidden. Non eri una Cacciatrice. ClaryVariante: Anche mezzo agghindato da cacciatore di demoni, pensò Clary, Simon aveva l’aria del bravo ragazzo che ti viene a prendere a casa ed è educato coi tuoi genitori e fa le coccole al tuo cane. During a routine demon-hunting mission—one not sanctioned by the Clave, much to Alec's disapproval—the group encountered a girl at the Pandemonium. When Alec and Isabelle went to Magnus' loft to meet with the others, they walked in just as Camille kissed Magnus. He's observant and will often notice when someone he cares about is going through something, usually expressing concern when he does. „Non puoi decidere — gli disse lei. E tu mi chiedi se ti voglio ancora, come se io potessi smettere di amarti. Alec approached Magnus and asked if they could talk. Magnus confessed that he didn't tell Alec because he didn't want Alec to see him in that way. They went to rescue Simon and Clary and witnessed Luke Garroway become alpha, and get fatally wounded with Theo's poison. He found her on the way to her old house and accompanied her if only to make sure she didn't get into any more trouble, and they were joined by Simon. Although Alec expected Magnus to be upset, Magnus told him that he was elated because now he had the time to focus on clients and making their dreams come true. Luckily, Magnus was able to disable the portal but was unable to identify the source of the energy.[26]. Ma ho visto quanto amavi tua madre, quanto amavi Simon… Ho visto che eri pronta ad andare all'inferno per salvarli. Alec expressed frustration that it was not given to him because he was dating a Downworlder. — Tu non puoi decidere dove vado o quando ci vado. Allora ho capito. Through Magnus, he learned that Isabelle had been seeing Raphael for vampire venom. When they found him, Alec stopped Jace from killing him. Alec returned from Alicante and found Magnus servicing clients again. GALLERY, –Alec relating his own situation to Jace's, Malec. While Alec worked on this Cabinet to rebuild relations between Downworlders and Shadowhunters, his relationship with Magnus was going through some changes. Raj protested pointing out that by exposing the core, any demonic attacks during the process would corrupt it causing an explosion that would, at best, destroy only the Institute. Because Jace was still a wanted man, they made arrangements to meet at Magnus's loft, but were hindered because of Aldertree's interference. Alec was seemingly stunned that Magnus hadn't told him how he had been feeling. Alec listened and broke the other child's nose. Though Magnus was successfully able to divert the Ley lines, Alec found that he had to channel the core by hand, using his strength rune to pull the lever and purge the Ley lines of demonic energy. He has a large Deflect rune on the left side of his neck. Alec claimed he had been tricked, struggling at the thought of having been out, and, in a panic, broke from the summoning circle, inadvertently releasing the demon that almost took Jace.[9]. They later attended the Rite of Mourning for the fallen Shadowhunters, including Jocelyn, and Silent Brothers.[18]. When Maryse and Max arrived at the Institute in preparation for Max's Rune Ceremony, Alec, being the eldest male in their family in light of Robert's absence, was put in charge of planning the party. Magnus era arrivato e aveva guarito Alec, la seconda volta che si erano visti. Out of fear for his sister, Alec got angry at Magnus for not letting him know about the yin fen, although Magnus himself had not known and told him as soon as he did.

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