Aurora Borealis Alerts via SMS/TEXT! Prenota qui i nostri safari nell’aurora boreale a Ivalo-Saariselkä in Finlandia. Rceiving the winter adventure gear. +358 (0)16 346 270 Weather permitting, aurora displays may be visible overhead or on the horizon in Bodø (Norway), Sodankylä (Finland), Kiruna (Sweden) and Siglufjörður (Iceland). - Your partners This is the only aurora service which uses own sensors, making the service accuracy, informative and reliable. Comments: No significant geomagnetic activity expected. Dopo il successo e le Aurore Boreali viste nei viaggi fotografici dal 2012 al 2020 ripetiamo nel 2021… l’esperienza conta! Aurora - 30 Minute Forecast. It is updated after every 3-hour period with the most recent reported Kp-value or during times of high auroral activity it is updated at the same time as the NOAA SWPC issues an alert that a certain threshold has been reached. Half board dinner included. Altri contenuti di Visit Norway. - Getting around Si tratta di uno spettacolo offerto per circa 200 notti all’anno, in determinati ore della giornata. Rovaniemi (en finés: Rovaniemi; en sami septentrional: Roavenjárga; en sami de Inari: Ruávinjargâ; en sami de Skolt: Ruäˊvnjargg) es la capital administrativa de la provincia de Laponia, en la República de Finlandia, y cuenta con unos 60 000 habitantes (2006).. But during high activity, auroras are often visible from much lower latitudes, often including Scotland, Ireland, Denmark, Estonia and more. Answer 1 of 2: Hello Does someone know where to see the lights in Rovaniemi? - Camping, SEE & DO - Brochures Per questo avevo pensato: Dal 24 al 26 novembre a Helsinki. March 8, 2016 by Tony in Daily Aurora Forecast | Leave a comment. Previsione di visibilità dell'Aurora Boreale I grafici mostrano la probabilità e l’intensità dell’Aurora Boreale previste nel nord della Scandinavia nei prossimi 3 giorni. A Rovaniemi, nella provincia della Lapponia, in Finlandia, il Natale è veramente speciale. - Snow and ice - News, MEDIA Transfer to Hotel Kätkävaara Aurora Apartments. Compatibilità All. Breakfast buffet. This is determined by the gases with which the particles from the sun collide. This service is available to every country in Europe (and most countries in the world). 2nd Day. The Kp-index gauge on the front page of this website uses the Estimated Planetary K-index which is provided by the NOAA SWPC. - Holiday villages - Midnight Sun Rovaniemi; Kemi; Kätkävaara; Lapland Welcome è un'azienda pioniera in Lapponia, che offre vacanze nella natura in Finlandia da quasi un decennio. 10K likes. Dove vedere le Aurore Boreali a Rovaniemi? Rovaniemi is proud to have several major features designed by Alvar Aalto, one of Finland’s foremost architects. Aurora Alert Realtime alerts when auroras are visible in Rovaniemi, Luosto, Pyhä and Ranua regions in Finland. The Northern Lights are most often seen in the Lapland regions of Finland, Sweden and Norway along with Iceland and Greenland. - Hostels and guesthouses The colour spectrum of the northern lights The northern lights can be many different colours. - Map Experience the Polar Night, celebration of mysterious lights on glittering snowdrifts. Experience the magic of the Aurora Borealis in Rovaniemi. - Lists - Where to stay Using data taken from our Aurora Forecast page, we can now send you a text message when the aurora level is predicted to reach level kp4+! Visit Norway . - Hits Quello vero, in carne ed ossa. Agamatour, Milano, Italy. Disponibilità Nov - Apr. Tonight is no better because it snows. Witness The Northern Lights in Rovaniemi from August Until April Also known as Aurora Borealis, the Northern Lights are visible on around 150 nights a year in Finnish Lapland. - Local food The Midnight Sun – also known as the nightless night or polar day – can be seen in Rovaniemi from early June until early July, and nights are white throughout the summer. Below is what auroras can look like over Rovaniemi, Lapland on a clear night with a strong aurora forecast. Come riuscire a vedere l’aurora boreale? - Venue search Every eleven years or so it beats, and it beats hard. Historical View of the sun spotsFor 400 years, from the time of Galileo until now, we have been keeping track of the number of these sunspots and, a… Previsione dell’ Aurora Prenota qui i nostri safari nell’aurora boreale a Rovaniemi in Finlandia. +358 (0)40 829 0676 - Partner up! - Who we are La notte andremo a caccia di luci verdi nel cielo, l’Aurora Boreale! - Sights and attractions This photo in the surroundings of Rovaniemi is from last night and, due to the cloudy sky, it was not possible to see the Northern Lights. Thanks. - Media bank, ABOUT Psst… How’s your visit on our web page going? I already went with a tour and didn't see them. Rovakatu 26 | 96200 Rovaniemi  | Finlandia, 2020 © Lapland Welcome Ltd : safari, viaggi, attività ed escursioni in Lapponia in Finlandia | licenza: 12062/08/MjMvU |, We use cookies and other similar technologies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Il problema principale sono le nuvole che nei mesi di novembre e dicembre coprono il cielo per buona parte delle notti, e ora con il riscaldamento globale questo fenomeno si sta amplificando sempre di più. METEO Rovaniemi. It is an international service, so you will get the SMS alerts wherever you are in the world. All four seasons are clearly present in the annual cycle of Rovaniemi. Tour Operator specializzato nei viaggi in Lapponia e nel nord della Norvegia. Aurora Borealis Package (Covid-19 recommended package) Aurora Borealis package is a ready made three nights holiday package in Rovaniemi region. Could I take a regular taxi? - Apply CTIPe Total Electron Content Forecast. - News - Practical info - Cottages The sun has a heartbeat. - Snow accommodation Da tenere presente che non esiste un modo infallibile per prevedere quando apparirà l’aurora ma solo previsioni approssimative. Visit Norway VR. Rovaniemi. info (at), LOVE Qui infatti, oltre al freddo, alla neve ed ai finlandesi, si trova Babbo Natale. Dal 26-29 novembre a Rovaniemi The 1st day Transfer from Rovaniemi airport. The Northern Lights Experience the magic of the Aurora Borealis in Rovaniemi. - Santa Claus Welcome to our sustainable way of life! Forecast Discussion. - News Lapland Welcome However, many locals would say the year consists of up to eight seasons, each with their own distinct characteristics. - Webcams, STAY Read more here. - Action Dal 3 al 7 gennaio, un ricco viaggio per cercare l’aurora boreale: Epifania per cercare l’Aurora Boreale a Rovaniemi Luosto ed Helsinki. - Polar Night Other visionaries have also embellished the city with landmark structures. Boulder Magnetometer. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. - Architecture Experimental Geoelectric Field 1- minute. - Glass igloos From this webpage you can read the latest aurora- and weather forecasts for coming night. - Shopping In Rovaniemi, there’s white stuff on the ground for approximately six months of the year. jRustonApps B.V. La mia previsione Aurora è la migliore applicazione per l'aurora boreale e Aurora Borealis. Rovaniemi is the capital of Lapland situated right on the Arctic Circle, which makes the town a gateway to the Arctic. Classificazione Facile. Mostra altro. - Phenomena Tonight’s estimated aurora level: Level 2 – Low. Pale green colour more obvious; Kp 4 – Active – Bright, constant and dynamic northern lights visible. ONLINE SAFARI SHOP INSIDE. We are a region up in the Arctic, we need our seasons, snowy winters and warm summers to provide a safe environment to our Arctic species. Prenota qui i nostri safari nell’aurora boreale a Rovaniemi in Finlandia. - Stats Immortalata a Rovaniemi, l'aurora boreale anche quest'anno è arrivata a illuminare i cieli del Nord: ecco come ammirarla editato in: 2019-10-01T10:13:26+02:00 da SiViaggia 30 Settembre 2019 Quindi sostanzialmente conciliare più cose anche in virtù del fatto che nel caso in cui non dovessimo riuscire a vedere l'aurora boreale, sicuramente tutto il resto non sia da meno. Sì, a Rovaniemi abita Babbo Natale. D Region Absorption Predictions (D-RAP) DSCOVR Schedule Tracking. There’s no place like Rovaniemi, the Official Hometown of Santa Claus, for a genuine Christmas experience. Ho più volte parlato di posti da vedere almeno una volta nella vita ed oggi mi ritrovo a raccontare di uno di essi, le zone dell’aurora polare, conosciuta anche come aurora boreale o australe. Geoelectric 3D-1D Comparison. Previsioni meteorologiche; Previsione dell’ Aurora; Lapland Welcome: Gli esperti dell’Aurora Boreale ; Domande frequenti; Blog di Antonio; Notizie; Lapland Welcome Esperti delle Aurora boreale e della Natura ! Ecco dove e quando vederla, grazie alla guida di un esperto - FAQ / Ask us - Meeting packages Un’applicazione, non costosa per vedere l’aurora boreale a chi si trova in zona Rovaniemi, ma indicativo anche per gran parte della Finlandia, permette, entrando nel sito “” di essere informati tramite SMS, a qualsiasi ora della notte, quando si verifica la magia delle luci. Lapland’s food culture is directly linked to its pristine nature, and Rovaniemi is a great place to explore the fresh produce of northern forests and waters. Le immagini sono state girate da uno dei fortunati presenti a Rovaniemi, località celebre per la casa di Babbo Natale, il 28 febbraio … - Places, ROVANIEMI CONGRESSES Tel. Infatti già a Rovaniemi l’aurora boreale danza nei cieli quasi ogni notte. Rovaniemi is an urban outpost amidst wild nature, where age-old traditions meet modern life. Naturalmente nelle notti serene. Previsioni meteorologiche; Previsione dell’ Aurora; Lapland Welcome: Gli esperti dell’Aurora Boreale; Domande frequenti; Blog di Antonio; Notizie; Rovaniemi – Ivalo Aurora Experts PROGRAM DESCRIPTION [Posizione: Ivalo - Saariselkä] Durata 4 nights. Northern Lights trip on foot – legendary program and the best chance to see Northern Lights. - Visit Rovaniemi Privacy Policy. - Four seasons - Other Services, FEATURES Take the survey and help us to improve our page. L’indice K viene utilizzato per monitorare il livello di perturbazione del campo magnetico terrestre. - Our services Geoelectric Field 1- minute . - Getting here - Northern Lights Read, Lapland Welcome: Gli esperti dell’Aurora Boreale. Prenota qui i nostri safari nell’aurora boreale a Ivalo-Saariselkä in Finlandia. Quello che riceve le lettere dei più piccoli e si incarica, con molta pazienza, di portare i doni ed i regali a tutti. Tel. 8th March 2016. The polar light in the northern hemisphere is called aurora borealis - or northern lights - while the polar lights in the southern hemisphere are called aurora australis, the southern lights. - Activities - When to go - Find a travel agent - People Il Periodo migliore per vedere l’aurora boreale a Rovaniemi è dalla metà di agosto fino a fine aprile. - Facts, figures, highlights - Tips - Arctic Circle - Brand - B&B's and apartments Geoalert - Alerts, Analysis and Forecast Codes. Offered: 01.9. - Programme samples If the aurora forecast is low or weak over your location, yet the weather forecast is for a clear night sky, its sometimes worth going out to try and view northern lights that can appear on the low northern horizon as solar wind activity may still be strong to the north. With this package we really maximize your possibilities to see the Northern Lights. - Other Lapland destinations - Meet in Rovaniemi The more sunspots, the more solar flare energy is being released into space (which means more aurora activity!). My Aurora Forecast - Aurora Alerts Northern Lights. - Autumn Color Ci sono non pochi posti ideali per vedere le aurore vicino al centro della città. - Hotels PREVISIONI del tempo per Rovaniemi (Finlandia), affidabili e sempre aggiornate. Le previsioni aurora boreale per oggi e i prossimi giorni basati sui dati forniti dal NOAA e rielaborati per essere più facilmente comprensibili. - 15.04. - Authenticity, PLAN Aurora boreale 2019: dove e quando vederla Il 2019 non è l'anno migliore per ammirare l'aurora boreale ma non c'è da disperarsi. - Trade events - Get a quote, TRADE - Events Let Rovaniemi surprise you with easy access to plenty of routes and scenery spots to marvel the fiery landscapes of Autumn Color. Kp 1 – Quiet – Aurora oval over Iceland, faint and quiet aurorae visible to the unaided eye low in the northern sky; Kp 2 – Quiet – Auroras readily visible and become brighter and more dynamic; Kp 3 – Unsettled – Bright auroras visible at zenith. This is known as the solar cycle and is measured by the number of sunspots visible on the sun. So want to go but without a tour. Pick up from Rovaniemi or Kemi airport. For many, Lapland is synonymous with snow. Ricevi una notifica quando è possibile vedere l'aurora boreale. - Eat and drink

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