It is as if its only inspiration is the original game, and the well of pop culture it was drawing from. This is a story you must experience. The Last of Us Part II's purposely bleak, pessimistic narrative spares no one, and offers a deeply engrossing tale of vengeance that grabs and never lets go. It is not just the best game of the year, but the most representative game of this generation. Despite the controversy that has surrounded The Last of Us Part 2 for various reasons, it has been able to achieve not a few awards for Best Game of the Year, among which are those granted by the Golden Joystick Awards and The Game Awards. While astonishing cityscapes and more varied combat options are great evolutions, Part II lacks the poetic serenity that made the original road-movie-like epic such a masterpiece. It's an empathetic emotional journey that recontextualizes the idea of the hero at the center of the story through new perspectives and unique methods of storytelling that only video games are capable of. It sets out to surpass its predecessor, but the only meaningful contrast between them is in its even more oppressive bleakness and violence. What’s so frustrating about Part 2 is that the game seems to have all the pieces necessary to do just that. The Last of Us 2 is a masterful swansong for the PlayStation 4, and arguably the finest, most accomplished project Naughty Dog has ever embarked on. The production values, and overall attention to detail are insane, making one wonder what the developer will do when it gets its hands on the PlayStation 5. While Naughty Dog has valiantly tried to accomplish the seemingly impossible, it has fallen short and in doing so revealed the bag of tricks used to exploit our emotions so effectively back in the day. But it is also a loving send off of beloved, grounded characters. Where it succeeds isn’t in how close it scrapes to the level of prestige TV, or to films. The Last of Us Part 2 is the finishing touch that both its history and the console itself deserve. Have we ever seen such a cutting sequel ? It’s a visually beautiful game that feels distinct to play, and the story it tells and how it tells it, at the most basic level, certainly pushes the edges of what games have done before. © 2021 METACRITIC, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. No user score yet- Be the first to review! The graphics and lighting make this one of the best looking games I have ever seen, especially on the current-generation of consoles. I don't think I've seen a bigger gap between promise and reality since I played Fable 3. In a recent poll, Metacritic users have voted for The Last of Us Part 2 as their Game of the Year for 2020. As unbelievable as it can be, The Last of Us Part II improves on pretty much every aspect of the first game to make this sequel a true masterpiece. It's not perfect, but it's still amazing. Metacritic aggregates music, game, tv, and movie reviews from the leading critics. I finished The Last Of Us Part II feeling depressed, but not for the reasons the developer might have intended — Naughty Dog is an immensely talented studio with resources that many devs can only dream of, yet their achievements in presentation are held back by a lack of mechanical evolution and uninspired gameplay. Violence and gore that are the point and potentially overshadow the point. Its poignant story, with strong themes, is well-paced, the gameplay thoroughly reworked, allowing the rage of its heroine to express itself, all wrapped in the most elegant of bows. So as the credits roll on my second playthrough I consider going back for a third, because this wonderful story does feels so good to play. It's a masterpiece. The gameplay may be more of the same, but the amazing story and incredibly detailed world make up for that big time! Naughty Dog's PS4 swansong is an astonishing, absurdly ambitious epic that goes far and beyond what we could have imagined for a sequel to an all-time classic. It's brutally beautiful and painfully violent, it's capable of the best and the worst. A real masterpiece and a must-have for every PS4 owner. The Last of Part II is a very powerful and moving narrative that fully immerses you into the story of Ellie and the world around her. In terms of gameplay, it is a flawless experience on the PlayStation 4 and together, The Last of Us Part II is easily one of the best games in a long-time. We wondered if The Last of Us 2 would manage to surpass the giant The Last of Us. None of those accomplishments elevated or redeemed it for me. The Last of Us Part II is a stunningly beautiful and impeccably written story of family, consequences, horror, and loss. The basic gameplay has stayed the same (for better or worse), environment puzzles are almost gone. It’s important. Story and characters are well done as expected and the game plays and feels amazing. It’s far from what I anticipated, but crucially it did the work to get me invested. It’s not just a game about violence. Some scenes even caused internal conflict within me. From the simply misleading … On Metacritic, a large portion of reviews reflect this, calling director Neil Druckmann “Cuckman” and railing against the game’s “SJW propaganda.” “This is a political statement, not a video game,” wrote one user. In fact, it was a landslide victory for the title, beating out second-place Ghost of Tsushima by a whopping 8,000 votes. While some think that the praise for The Last of Us Part 2 is unwarranted, Metacritic users seem to love the game as they voted it Game of the Year for 2020. It continues to win accolades and … The outcome is grimly satisfying (in a sick and odd sense). but it’s let down by its messy The Last of Us – Part II delivers exactly what you've been expecting: adult storytelling and perfectly balanced gameplay. Jan 11, 2021 The Last of Us Part 2 is the follow-up to the critically acclaimed Last of Us - a game that review aggregator Metacritic ranks at 95 out of 100. For while it inevitably lacks that first game’s shock of the new, it instead trades on the player’s familiarity with its characters and their backstories to take them somewhere equally unexpected. Yet, I’m glad I pushed through — because those dark, disturbing moments are what make The Last of Us Part II so powerful. Technically and narratively, it's easily one of the best games available for the PlayStation 4 -- if not the entire generation. Whether it is the uncomfortable nature of what is happening or the fact that the game play feels like an afterthought to everything else included in the package. Although the story takes some turns that could be helped by some adjustments in their longevity, it nevertheless hits some truly high notes in their sentimental impact to the player. That is, to close a generation by making it reach its peak, to immortalize it in a precious and painful memory: sharp as a blade, and priceless as a tear. The Last of Us Part II for PlayStation 4 Reviews - Metacritic . The Last of Us Part 2 is an outstanding action game; a darker, more introspective follow-up that seeks to challenge the conventions of big-budget action games. It is an evolution for the genre in terms of technical aspects and an exercise in maturity in terms of how it deals with its themes. It's a beautiful game, graphically and in terms of storytelling, but those qualities are coupled with a ridiculous level of violence and gore. Even now, a week on from completing it, I’m feeling its weight. Naughty Dog has taken everything to the limit to create The Last of Us 2 – the PS4, its design template, and its staff. This is the developer’s crowning achievement to date, expanding and improving upon the concepts that it’s been iterating on for over a decade now. Or rather, the other way around. There's no easy way to sum up The Last of Us Part II. Or maybe that lack of choice is the cold, hard lesson of it all. It weaves inconsistent pacing and tension together masterfully to leave you as scared and vulnerable as its protagonists. July 18, 2020 7:25 PM EST Following a barrage of poor user review of The Last of Us Part 2, Metacritic now requires 36 hours to pass before leaving a review. Constantly switching between the tenderness of the past and the brutality of this new quest for revenge, The Last of Us 2 brings more immersive gameplay to a game that is, from now on, a new example to follow concerning mature adventure/action mature games. While the end credits rolled, I felt hollow, hopeless, frustrated, and downright disgusted. The Last of Us 2 is a masterful swansong for the PlayStation 4, and arguably the finest, most accomplished project Naughty Dog has ever embarked on. ND au sommet encore. The messiness of the second act doesn’t overshadow how significant this adventure is. It digs two graves, fills them with blood, and then just fu.king wallows in them. Essential. The Last Of Us Part II is a journey worth tolerating for the sake of what it gets right, but when it comes down to it, I feel exactly the same way about it as I did about the first one — I wish it was a book. Part II plays better than the first, with more involved stealth and combat along with many quality of life improvements to make it a more enjoyable experience. Brave, brutal, dark. A genuine work of art, The Last of Us Part II is Naughty Dog's best game, bravest story, and proof that games can put players through the emotional wringer. The Last of Us: Part 2 is a brutal, bleak and relentless experience that gives players no chance to breathe or relax. The poll finished with The Last of Us Part 2 being crowned the winner with just over 10,000 votes. Its coup is not, “Look how closely we can make games resemble highbrow art.” It’s more, “Look what previously fenced-off realms we can get interactivity into.". Considering the impact that The Last of Us had on gaming, I guess I just expected to be blown away all over again. Living amongst a thriving community of survivors has allowed them peace and stability, despite the constant threat of the infected and other, more desperate. As a big-budget action game, then, The Last of Us Part II is almost without peer. It’s the new high water mark for video game characters and I can’t wait for everyone to see just how special it is. With the PS5 dropping last month, 2020 was the last hurrah for the PS4. It's not as groundbreaking, but equally as heartbreaking. Universal acclaim as joyous to play as they come, However, if you’re aching to sink into the depths of depression, or just want to cut some throats and burn some zombies – Part II will deliver. The Last of Us Part II will hurt you in ways that no game has ever done before. Ставлю 0 из 10 только потому, чтобы как-то уравновешивать 10/10, которые ставят "не быдло". Though it’s destined to displease those who built Ellie and Joel up as infallible, as an observation of impermanence, tribalism and the terrible cycle of violence that exists at the centre of what’s left of the human experience in this world. Of that there is absolutely no doubt. But honestly, thanks to the intense pace, mature subject matter and stressful situations, it may not be for everyone. To put this into perspective, The Last of Us Part II earned 10,194 points, and runner up Ghost of Tsushima earned 2,079 points. And while it may lose its focus a little in the penultimate reels, Last of Us II eventually lands an emotional punch that will be felt long after the credits roll. © 2021 METACRITIC, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. What’s left is a Bloater that’s forsaken enough of its soul to only just barely still be recognizable in its current form, shuffling around and proving that, unlike Ellie, it is not immune to devolving into a lesser form of itself. It’s a video game and it could only exist as such. Only uses METASCORES, which let you know at a glance how each item was reviewed. The Last of Us Part 2 has a lot to say about us as people after we connected ourselves to these characters in the first entry. No game is perfect but it was a slight improvement from the “escort the payload” plot of the first game. Coming at the close of another console cycle, the studio proves its ability to evolve and defy expectations. The greatest game of this console generation? The Last of Us Part II is another story that could only work as a game, the kind of challenging, groundbreaking work that comes along two or three times a decade. A milestone in action video game storytelling and while the gameplay is not nearly as inspired, the experience as a whole is one of the best of the generation. The accessibility features are excellent and the game itself is a work of art. She is deeply complicated and flawed, and her selfishness hurts a lot of people. And this game, available on the PlayStation 4 on June 19, also represents the very best of what video games can be. 121 Critic Reviews, Mixed or average reviews- based on 151280 Ratings, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game - Complete Edition, Prepare for anger, fear, pain and disappointment. I really loved the moment-to-moment movement of The Last of Us 2. Over 2,800 Metacritic users have submitted their favorite albums, movies, games, and TV shows of 2020. This game will give you shivers down your spine for nearly 30 hours and something to remember long after its end. Prepare for anger, fear, pain and disappointment. The Last of Us Part II is one of the best games of this generation hands down and obviously, a serious candidate to be Game of the Year. Maybe the most surprising thing that The Last of Us Part 2 offered me was the surety that, while the game was made with great skill and craft, we are actually much, much better than Naughty Dog thinks we are. Here are the most noteworthy games expected to be released in 2019 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC. Disappointing. God bless Naughty Dog and its employees. The Last of Us Part II is a monument to gaming and at the same time a productive miracle, which touches the same fate as its predecessor. Not everyone is going to enjoy the motives of The Last of Us Part II. As the player, we must once again witness the reality of this harsh world and those who are brought up in it...The Last of Us Part 2 is a masterclass in environmental design, and that cannot be overlooked. Part II is a masterpiece that’s Naughty Dog has given the PlayStation 4 a phenomenal swan song. Naughty Dog delivers their best game yet –an exceptional game in every aspect. The Last of Us Part II is the perfect combination of an excellent Hollywood movie with a fat budget with fun and flowing gameplay. Толку тратить 5к за игру, которая ничего, кроме картинки не дает - без понятия. In parallel, it attempts to resolve a multi-faceted conflict that is impossible to cut, judge, or limit to spectrums as simple as "good" or "evil." I was so captivated by The Last of Us Part 2. They are almost unbelievably unable to see the bigger picture. And one hell of an encore. The Last of Us Part 2 is not for everyone. It’s more than a game; it’s a work of art. Amazing fights, a great eye for detail and one of the most important videogame stories ever told. Released at the very end of the PlayStation 4 cycle, The Last of Us Part II feels like the definitive synthesis of this generation. Play The Last of Us: Part 2. the journey of the first game. Five years after their dangerous journey across the post-pandemic United States, Ellie and Joel have settled down in Jackson, Wyoming. This is the kind of game you get when you have unlimited budget and manpower and no one to say when - even if you wish sometimes that someone had. Collectively speaking, this game subverts expectations in ways that make it stand out head and shoulders above the rest. It’s useless to beat around the bush: The Last of Us Part II sets a new all-around quality standard for triple A videogames: balanced in all its elements, it's a game capable of amusing, disturbing and making people think. based on A must have, beyond doubt. [Issue#347, p.88]. The experience feels a little too unsentimental to the legacy of the first game and this feels intentional and disrespectful. In short, it's some of Naughty Dog's best work. The Last of Us Part 2 is the best PS4 exclusive and everything we ever wanted. This publication does not provide a score for their reviews. The entire package is wrapped together in a gorgeous presentation that serves as Naughty Dog’s PS4 swan song. The Last of Us Part II outshines the original in practically every way. For that reason alone, you should feel confident that the money you drop on this game will be money well spent. Naughty Dog is truly head and shoulders above the rest when it comes to these areas. You can't argue that Naughty Dog hasn't thrown everything at this, and though its tendency towards maximalism doesn't always work, the results are frequently astonishing. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game - Complete Edition. All it takes is a little push for Ellie to go mad and her quest for revenge story is a brutalistic masterpiece. The second game didn't get to me emotionally like the first game did, but it definitely has some heavy moments and the shock value is rather extreme at some points. L'occasion de faire un tour des notes obtenues par le jeu de Naughty Dog. A message that reminds itself long after the game's ending has rolled. It’s a game that’s never held down by the weight of its predecessor’s importance. Undoubtedly, Naughty Dog again puts the finishing touch on a PlayStation generation. Unpredictable, intelligent and self-aware, this game seems to pride itself on digging into your head and staying there – allowing its themes and messages to grow and mutate long after the credits roll. It seems like there has never been so much thought put into a videogame as in The Last of Us: Part 2. The Last of Us Part II marks a real turning point from a narrative perspective on videogames. I said that the original game is the very best of what video games can be on the PlayStation 3. Evolved gameplay not only asks players to be more tactical, it taxes them emotionally. The Last of Us Part II is bleak and at times leaves the player feeling hopeless as they play through one of the finest crafted pieces of gaming ever to grace a home console. Play the damn game and fully experience a masterfully crafted sequel that will keep you on the edge of your seat and witness the sheer brutality that needs to be played. Even though The Last of Us Part II relishes in making players uncomfortable and reminding them characters can lose everything at a moment’s notice, those bleak traits are part of the game’s appeal even if the charm’s a morbid one. Now it has been the Metacritic users, a total of 2,800 selected, who have also selected it as the best game of 2020, something curious considering the … The Last Of Us Part 2 - Inside The Details. This excessive padding and theoretically noble attempt to dive into deeper subjects also negatively impacts the gameplay, too, as even its ace combat mechanics can’t quite stay fresh and exciting when repeated that often over the span of 30 hours. It goes without saying that it is a marvel to look, listen, and play as it is portraying the most beautifully realized and detailed urban post-apocalyptic world we have seen in a game to date. The The 40 Best Console-Exclusive Games of This Generation (PS4, Xbox One, and Switch), Notable Video Game Releases: New and Upcoming, The Last Of Us Part 2 - Gameplay Reveal Trailer | E3 2018, The Last of Us Part II – Release Date Reveal Trailer, The Last Of Us Part II - PGW 2017 Trailer, The Last of Us Part II - PSX 2016 Reveal Trailer, The Last of Us Part II - Inside the Demo Trailer, The Last of Us Part 2 - Limited Edition PS4 Pro Bundle, The Last Of Us Part 2 - Official Launch Trailer, The Last Of Us Part 2 - Official Extended Commercial, The Last Of Us Part 2 - Inside The Gameplay, Christopher Nolan Presents the Game of the Year at The Game Awards 2020, The Last Of Us Part 2 - Official Story Trailer, PS Now, PS Plus, and Other New Free PS4 Games, Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition, Music title data, credits, and images provided by, Movie title data, credits, and poster art provided by. C'est pas une blague quand on dit que la GDC retourne littéralement le cerveau de certains. The consequences of killing are made abundantly clear over and over again until, by the end, we simply no longer wanted to fight. Absolutely brilliant! Part II reaffirms how far the medium has come and the impressive craftsmanship behind its creation. They ruined the last of us legacy, Minecraft story is best then this **** (jr7 albdn nl8a 6beb ydaiweh ))))))), This game is a shame, seven years waiting for a great sequel and they create a ridiculous story like that, the priority was not the fans but. The Last of Us Part II manages the striking feat of imbuing video game violence with meaning. From start to finish, this could be the best game on the PlayStation 4 -- ever. A brave, bold, experience that sets a new standard in the medium. This sequel has more false stops than Return Of The King, and by its operatic and downright biblical finale, it begins to flirt heavily with pure bombast, with a self-seriousness as overgrown as any Bloater.

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